Uses of Class

Packages that use SmbException

Uses of SmbException in jcifs.smb

Subclasses of SmbException in jcifs.smb
 class DfsReferral
 class SmbAuthException
          The SmbAuthException encapsulates the variety of authentication related error codes returned by an SMB server.

Methods in jcifs.smb that throw SmbException
 boolean DosFileFilter.accept(SmbFile file)
 int SmbFile.getType()
          Returns type of of object this SmbFile represents.
 boolean SmbFile.exists()
          Tests to see if the SMB resource exists.
 boolean SmbFile.canRead()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents can be read.
 boolean SmbFile.canWrite()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents exists and is not marked read-only.
 boolean SmbFile.isDirectory()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents is a directory.
 boolean SmbFile.isFile()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents is not a directory.
 boolean SmbFile.isHidden()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents is marked as hidden.
 java.lang.String SmbFile.getDfsPath()
          If the path of this SmbFile falls within a DFS volume, this method will return the referral path to which it maps.
 long SmbFile.createTime()
          Retrieve the time this SmbFile was created.
 long SmbFile.lastModified()
          Retrieve the last time the file represented by this SmbFile was modified.
 java.lang.String[] SmbFile.list()
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 java.lang.String[] SmbFile.list(SmbFilenameFilter filter)
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles()
          List the contents of this SMB resource as an array of SmbFile objects.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles(java.lang.String wildcard)
          The CIFS protocol provides for DOS "wildcards" to be used as a performance enhancement.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles(SmbFilenameFilter filter)
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles(SmbFileFilter filter)
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 void SmbFile.renameTo(SmbFile dest)
          Changes the name of the file this SmbFile represents to the name designated by the SmbFile argument.
 void SmbFile.copyTo(SmbFile dest)
          This method will copy the file or directory represented by this SmbFile and it's sub-contents to the location specified by the dest parameter.
 void SmbFile.delete()
          This method will delete the file or directory specified by this SmbFile.
 long SmbFile.length()
          Returns the length of this SmbFile in bytes.
 long SmbFile.getDiskFreeSpace()
          This method returns the free disk space in bytes of the drive this share represents or the drive on which the directory or file resides.
 void SmbFile.mkdir()
          Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbFile.
 void SmbFile.mkdirs()
          Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbFile and any parent directories that do not exist.
 void SmbFile.createNewFile()
          Create a new file but fail if it already exists.
 void SmbFile.setCreateTime(long time)
          Set the create time of the file.
 void SmbFile.setLastModified(long time)
          Set the last modified time of the file.
 int SmbFile.getAttributes()
          Return the attributes of this file.
 void SmbFile.setAttributes(int attrs)
          Set the attributes of this file.
 void SmbFile.setReadOnly()
          Make this file read-only.
 void SmbFile.setReadWrite()
          Turn off the read-only attribute of this file.
 boolean SmbFileFilter.accept(SmbFile file)
 boolean SmbFilenameFilter.accept(SmbFile dir, java.lang.String name)
 int[] b)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[] b)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.skipBytes(int n)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.write(int b)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.write(byte[] b)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 long SmbRandomAccessFile.getFilePointer()
 void pos)
 long SmbRandomAccessFile.length()
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.setLength(long newLength)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.close()
 boolean SmbRandomAccessFile.readBoolean()
 byte SmbRandomAccessFile.readByte()
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.readUnsignedByte()
 short SmbRandomAccessFile.readShort()
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.readUnsignedShort()
 char SmbRandomAccessFile.readChar()
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.readInt()
 long SmbRandomAccessFile.readLong()
 float SmbRandomAccessFile.readFloat()
 double SmbRandomAccessFile.readDouble()
 java.lang.String SmbRandomAccessFile.readLine()
 java.lang.String SmbRandomAccessFile.readUTF()
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeBoolean(boolean v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeByte(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeShort(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeChar(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeInt(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeLong(long v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeFloat(float v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeDouble(double v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeBytes(java.lang.String s)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeChars(java.lang.String s)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeUTF(java.lang.String str)
static NtlmChallenge SmbSession.getChallengeForDomain()
static byte[] SmbSession.getChallenge(UniAddress dc)
static byte[] SmbSession.getChallenge(UniAddress dc, int port)
static void SmbSession.logon(UniAddress dc, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth)
          Authenticate arbitrary credentials represented by the NtlmPasswordAuthentication object against the domain controller specified by the UniAddress parameter.
static void SmbSession.logon(UniAddress dc, int port, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth)
 int[] b)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[] b)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.skipBytes(int n)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.write(int b)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.write(byte[] b)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 long SmbRandomAccessFile.getFilePointer()
 void pos)
 long SmbRandomAccessFile.length()
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.setLength(long newLength)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.close()
 boolean SmbRandomAccessFile.readBoolean()
 byte SmbRandomAccessFile.readByte()
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.readUnsignedByte()
 short SmbRandomAccessFile.readShort()
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.readUnsignedShort()
 char SmbRandomAccessFile.readChar()
 int SmbRandomAccessFile.readInt()
 long SmbRandomAccessFile.readLong()
 float SmbRandomAccessFile.readFloat()
 double SmbRandomAccessFile.readDouble()
 java.lang.String SmbRandomAccessFile.readLine()
 java.lang.String SmbRandomAccessFile.readUTF()
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeBoolean(boolean v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeByte(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeShort(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeChar(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeInt(int v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeLong(long v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeFloat(float v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeDouble(double v)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeBytes(java.lang.String s)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeChars(java.lang.String s)
 void SmbRandomAccessFile.writeUTF(java.lang.String str)
 int SmbFile.getType()
          Returns type of of object this SmbFile represents.
 boolean SmbFile.exists()
          Tests to see if the SMB resource exists.
 boolean SmbFile.canRead()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents can be read.
 boolean SmbFile.canWrite()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents exists and is not marked read-only.
 boolean SmbFile.isDirectory()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents is a directory.
 boolean SmbFile.isFile()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents is not a directory.
 boolean SmbFile.isHidden()
          Tests to see if the file this SmbFile represents is marked as hidden.
 java.lang.String SmbFile.getDfsPath()
          If the path of this SmbFile falls within a DFS volume, this method will return the referral path to which it maps.
 long SmbFile.createTime()
          Retrieve the time this SmbFile was created.
 long SmbFile.lastModified()
          Retrieve the last time the file represented by this SmbFile was modified.
 java.lang.String[] SmbFile.list()
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 java.lang.String[] SmbFile.list(SmbFilenameFilter filter)
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles()
          List the contents of this SMB resource as an array of SmbFile objects.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles(java.lang.String wildcard)
          The CIFS protocol provides for DOS "wildcards" to be used as a performance enhancement.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles(SmbFilenameFilter filter)
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 SmbFile[] SmbFile.listFiles(SmbFileFilter filter)
          List the contents of this SMB resource.
 void SmbFile.renameTo(SmbFile dest)
          Changes the name of the file this SmbFile represents to the name designated by the SmbFile argument.
 void SmbFile.copyTo(SmbFile dest)
          This method will copy the file or directory represented by this SmbFile and it's sub-contents to the location specified by the dest parameter.
 void SmbFile.delete()
          This method will delete the file or directory specified by this SmbFile.
 long SmbFile.length()
          Returns the length of this SmbFile in bytes.
 long SmbFile.getDiskFreeSpace()
          This method returns the free disk space in bytes of the drive this share represents or the drive on which the directory or file resides.
 void SmbFile.mkdir()
          Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbFile.
 void SmbFile.mkdirs()
          Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbFile and any parent directories that do not exist.
 void SmbFile.createNewFile()
          Create a new file but fail if it already exists.
 void SmbFile.setCreateTime(long time)
          Set the create time of the file.
 void SmbFile.setLastModified(long time)
          Set the last modified time of the file.
 int SmbFile.getAttributes()
          Return the attributes of this file.
 void SmbFile.setAttributes(int attrs)
          Set the attributes of this file.
 void SmbFile.setReadOnly()
          Make this file read-only.
 void SmbFile.setReadWrite()
          Turn off the read-only attribute of this file.
 void SmbTransport.connect()
static NtlmChallenge SmbSession.getChallengeForDomain()
static byte[] SmbSession.getChallenge(UniAddress dc)
static byte[] SmbSession.getChallenge(UniAddress dc, int port)
static void SmbSession.logon(UniAddress dc, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth)
          Authenticate arbitrary credentials represented by the NtlmPasswordAuthentication object against the domain controller specified by the UniAddress parameter.
static void SmbSession.logon(UniAddress dc, int port, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth)
 boolean SmbFileFilter.accept(SmbFile file)
 boolean SmbFilenameFilter.accept(SmbFile dir, java.lang.String name)
 boolean DosFileFilter.accept(SmbFile file)

Constructors in jcifs.smb that throw SmbException
SID(java.lang.String textual)
          Construct a SID from it's textual representation such as S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029.
SmbFileInputStream(java.lang.String url)
          Creates an InputStream for reading bytes from a file on an SMB server addressed by the url parameter.
SmbFileInputStream(SmbFile file)
          Creates an InputStream for reading bytes from a file on an SMB server represented by the SmbFile parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(java.lang.String url)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing to a file on an SMB server addressed by the URL parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(SmbFile file)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server represented by the SmbFile parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(java.lang.String url, boolean append)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server addressed by the URL parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(SmbFile file, boolean append)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server addressed by the SmbFile parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(java.lang.String url, int shareAccess)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server addressed by the SmbFile parameter.
SmbRandomAccessFile(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String mode, int shareAccess)
SmbRandomAccessFile(SmbFile file, java.lang.String mode)
SmbRandomAccessFile(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String mode, int shareAccess)
SmbRandomAccessFile(SmbFile file, java.lang.String mode)
SID(java.lang.String textual)
          Construct a SID from it's textual representation such as S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029.
SmbFileOutputStream(java.lang.String url)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing to a file on an SMB server addressed by the URL parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(SmbFile file)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server represented by the SmbFile parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(java.lang.String url, boolean append)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server addressed by the URL parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(SmbFile file, boolean append)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server addressed by the SmbFile parameter.
SmbFileOutputStream(java.lang.String url, int shareAccess)
          Creates an OutputStream for writing bytes to a file on an SMB server addressed by the SmbFile parameter.
SigningDigest(SmbTransport transport, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth)
SmbFileInputStream(java.lang.String url)
          Creates an InputStream for reading bytes from a file on an SMB server addressed by the url parameter.
SmbFileInputStream(SmbFile file)
          Creates an InputStream for reading bytes from a file on an SMB server represented by the SmbFile parameter.